Sharing emote

The Kinetix API provide a route to share an existing emote to other players. In order to achieve that you need to call the route :

It could be used for example to share content for people in an organization or a business. The resource provides 2 functions that interact with this route.

function ShareEmoteWithUsers(userIds, emoteUuid)
    for userId in userIds do
        ShareEmoteWithUser(userId, emoteUuid)

function ShareEmoteWithUser(userId, emoteUuid, cb)
    local addEmoteRoute = string.format('/v1/users/%s/emotes/%s', tostring(userId), emoteUuid)

    PerformHttpRequest(url .. addEmoteRoute, function(statusCode, response)
    end, "POST", "", headers)

The emote will then be displayed in the user bag and can be manipulated normally.

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